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Arts & Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Successfully Growing Dahlias
with Nancy Stedman

The class will be at Little River Flower Farm where they grow over 400 dahlias every summer. Learn all aspects of growing, dividing & storing dahlias and getting the most blooms out of every plant. Everyone will be dividing dahlias so wear appropriate clothing and bring gloves. Take home dahlia tubers to grow in your garden. Material fee of $25 to be paid directly to the instructor the day of class. No discounts.
Location: Little River Flower Farm, 160 Turkey Lane, Buxton
About Nancy: Nancy has been a Master gardener for close to 20 years through the University Of Maine Cooperative Extension. She started out growing houseplants and when the number of plants hovered around 150, she invested in a greenhouse. She now has three greenhouses, grows 8,000 cut flowers for brides, florists, & the public in the summer for PYO flowers. Her business, Little River Flower Farm, in Buxton, also grows culinary herbs & summer peak season sells over 400 bunches a week. She gives talks on succulents & grows over 500 plants year round. A non-refundable $1.99 transaction fee will be added to the price of this class.
Will run
Make Your Best Shot: Photo Safari
with Michael Leonard

Although smartphones and point and shoot cameras have improved, DSLR cameras offer more functionality, and if you’re looking to take your photography to the next level, there’s really no comparison. See how basic adjustments to your camera can take your photos up a notch. Pick up simple tricks and techniques to turn your basic photos into masterpieces, and practice proper framing and subject selection just like the pros do.
Understanding the relationship between ISO, shutter speed, and aperture settings and others a key element to getting great photos. We’ll expand on the relationship between f-stops, shutter speed, ISO, and flash ratings, white balance and capturing in raw mode and different camera modes to appropriately capture different subjects. We’ll go over settings and work with lenses, flashes and learn about other features only available with DSLR cameras.
This class is open to people with DSLR cameras only. Mike works with Canon but will work with any other brand. There will be at least one off-site photography outing-dates TBA. The outing is included in the registration price for this class. It is also open to people who have taken Mike’s class with us before. For past students, there will be a ten dollar charge for the outing only. It will be listed as a separate class on the website. Please bring your own camera to class. This must be a camera with removable lenses. If you have a point and shoot camera or a cellphone, this is not the class for you.
About Mike: Mike Leonard has been taking pictures for more than 40 years and among his favorite subjects to shoot are nighttime scenes including lightning and Aurora, and in the daytime he likes shooting landscapes, seascapes, lighthouses and more. His work is frequently on covers of The Notes publication in Yarmouth, Maine, in the Maine Activities Guide, on the local CBS affiliate in weather casts and his work has also been featured in books, magazines, annual reports, brochures, textbooks and nationally on the Weather Channel. Website for Mike:
A non-refundable $1.99 transaction fee will be added to the price of this class.
After Dark Photos
with Michael Leonard

Many people put their cameras away once the sun sets, yet some amazing images can be taken at night. Learn how to take great shots after the sun sets and before the sun rises with your DSLR camera. With the peak of the aurora coming in 2025, now is the time to start practicing your best “after dark” shots! Shooting the Milky Way, aurora and star trails will be discussed as well as nighttime photography equipment.
About Mike: Mike Leonard has been taking pictures for more than 40 years and among his favorite subjects to shoot are nighttime scenes including Lightning and Aurora, and in the daytime he likes shooting landscapes, seascapes, lighthouses and more. His work is frequently on covers of The Notes publication in Yarmouth, Maine, In the Maine Activities Guide, on the local CBS affiliate in weather casts and his work has also been featured in books, magazines, annual reports, brochures, textbooks and nationally on the Weather Channel. Website for Mike:
A non-refundable $1.99 transaction fee will be added to the price of this class.
Make Your Best Shot: Photo Safari (field trip only)
with Michael Leonard

Please note: This outing is open to anyone who has taken any of Mike Leonard's photography classes in the past at Bonny Eagle only. No exceptions. No discounts. Location & Time TBD.
About Mike: Mike Leonard has been taking pictures for more than 40 years and among his favorite subjects to shoot are nighttime scenes including lightning and Aurora, and in the daytime he likes shooting landscapes, seascapes, lighthouses and more. His work is frequently on covers of The Notes publication in Yarmouth, Maine, in the Maine Activities Guide, on the local CBS affiliate in weather casts and his work has also been featured in books, magazines, annual reports, brochures, textbooks and nationally on the Weather Channel. Website for Mike:
A non-refundable $1.99 transaction fee will be added to the price of this class.